I got some more games for my PC. Here is the cream of the crop (of what I got):
Gish - A very fun (and cheap) game, you get a lot for a low price! game links: Chronic logic - Steam - Website - Casual Gameplay
Braid - I have not played this one yet but a lot of people said it was amazing, Tyler Glaiel said it was the clossest the indie game scene will ever get. Game links: Website
I had a few more of ideas of what to post about but I fourgot some so when I remember those few I fourgot I'll post 'em up here.
Until then here is some games I got a lot of enjoiment out of:
Gretal and Hansel - A fine art point and click - Please Digg, use the auther comments for the link
Aether Posibley my favorite game/An moving art game about space and lonlenece
NightStrike - An awsome defence game/a ground breaking collab between Tyler and Jose
498969 - A great mario tribute with amazing game desing- You probeble alredy have gussed that becuse it's at #1 on my favorites :/
---------I'll be back in a few sec/mins and update it---------
JOHNNY29 (Updated )
First response!